辊道电机_辊道减速机_变频电机_减速电机厂家_齿轮减速电机_传动设备_齿轮减速机_制动电机 - 上虞德立齿轮减速电机有限公司

JiangSu JinPan Electrical CO.,LTD
Address: Jiangsu Haian County Industrial Park
Telephone: 0513-88890981
Contact: Yi sir
Mobile phone: 15006271116

Product introduction
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220kV substation
The taxonomy of the genus:Oil immersed transformer
Type number:220kv
Product price:Negotiable

Product Brief
    Low loss:: no-load loss is lower than the national standard GB6451-1999 approximately 40%, load loss is about lower than the national standard about GB6451-1999 to about 15%
    Low noise: noise < 60dB
Low dust emission: a full range of 110kV for dust-free products operation; transformer internal hardware accessories, insulation parts are rounded; partial discharge is less than 100pc
Appearance: curved corrugated structure, shot blasting cleaning tank, powder spray paint, never fade, wide fin radiator;
No leakage seal tiny tank:, upper and lower edges along two channels all sealing, sealing washers are imported. We solemnly promise no oil leakage
Add time:2012-09-21  Browsing times:262

JiangSu JinPan Electrical CO.,LTD
Telephone:0513-88890981 Fax:0513-88890388 Address: Jiangsu Haian County Industrial Park Background log